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Fajara M Section, Bakau,
KSMD, The Gambia, West Africa
+220 449 6266 | +220 248 1590 |
+220 594 7766 | +220 995 3346 |
+220 676 7617

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Data Services

Training: Data analysis and Statistical Software

2M Corp has a number of in house and associate members with a wealth of experience in Statistics, Econometrics and the use of statistical software such as Stata, SPSS, R and Eviews. A number of our trainers have experience in training at the tertiary level, public & civil servants, international organizations and the private sector.

Data Collection and Management Services

2M Corp offers services throughout the data cycle, from collection to management and analysis. We have experience in providing data collection for one-off surveys and impact evaluations (and Randomized Control Trails type studies). We conduct all data collection exercises exclusively using mobile devices (using ODK type or propriety CAPI applications).