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Information Management System

Information Management System

Client: Medicines Control Agency (MCA)

Project Name: Information Management System
Dates: Feb 2020 – Jan 2021

Short Description
MCA’s mandate is to ensure that importers of drugs and medical related items are licensed, and all imported items conforms to standard.

2M Corp implemented two different projects.

2M Corp implemented two different projects.

  1. Groupware Information Management System
    To increase productivity and collaboration within the MCA staff and partners likewise, 2M Corp deployed Office 365. The platform allows them to use an enterprise email server; Microsoft Exchange Server, a collaboration enterprise platform; Microsoft SharePoint, a video conferencing and messaging platform; Microsoft teams and OneDrive to manage personal computers documents and ensuring all files are backup to the cloud to prevent loss of data.

2. Quality Assurance Management Information System
MCA had a manual process of managing all licensed (registered and new registration) of medicine and medicine related products. Every batch of medicine or medicine related products to be imported into the country requires a permit. All these were done using paper based. The process was cumbersome and taking most of its staff time on dealing with licenses and permits and little time to monitoring existing products within the country and especially expired products. All licenses issued have an expiration period and must be renewed. Managing renewals and alerting importers can also be cumbersome when using a paper-based system.

2M Corp developed a workflow-based information system to manage the entire process. The system allows MCA to capture all of it information from the importers and licenses. Alert notifications implemented for expired products allowing the agency to know which of the importers brought in that product and making sure all pharmacies are informed of the expired products to be removed. Similar alert notification also implemented for expired license. Both the license holder and MCA are notified as the renewal period approaches.

The system has an applicant portal allowing institutions to go directly online and fill in the necessarily application forms at their convenient. The portal allows them to see the status of their applications and allowing them to submit additional documents if needed. All permits and licenses related to that institution can be seen on the portal. This allows MCA to also be able to concentrate on monitoring and evaluation aspects of their mandate.

Programing languages: Python (Django framework), JavaScript
Database: PostgreSQL
API-based: Yes