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KSMD, The Gambia, West Africa
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Data Collection and Management Services

Data Collection and Management Services

Data Collection and Management Services

2M Corp offers services throughout the data cycle, from collection to management and analysis. We have experience in providing data collection for one-off surveys and impact evaluations (and Randomized Control Trails type studies). We conduct all data collection exercises exclusively using mobile devices (using ODK type or propriety CAPI applications). Our data team is made up of people with research backgrounds (several with master’s in economics, a master’s in computer science and a PhD in Economics). We ensure the data we collect is of the highest quality and all quality assurances procedures done during the data collection exercise are reproducible. Quality Assurance and controls of the highest standards are implemented during electronic form building, during the data collection exercise and data cleaning.

We also offer data management services to clients who lack the capacity to manage and make sense of the data that they have collected. We have worked with M&E teams in donor funded Projects to help them reconcile, restructure and analyze the data that they have collected over the course of the Project. We help our clients merge all their disparate data into one system and store the data collected into a single location (server), thus allowing all the data generated by the institution to be housed in one place.

In addition to storing and managing data, we also offer dashboard solutions to help institutions makes sense of the data they have in their possession to better inform decisions. Similar to our approach with CAPI, we are experienced in a number of dashboard applications such as PowerBI (for Microsoft Office clients) and other propriety dashboard applications.

Our approach as a firm is to provide the highest value added to our clients, and as a result, we believe that using open-source applications and customizing them to suit the needs of our client is more cost effective and less time consuming. Doing so would allow us to provide a solution that is more affordable and delivered within a shorter time period than building applications from scratch.